Financed with EU-funds supported by FLAG "Galeb"
The facility will be equipped with the most modern technology for receiving, cleaning, freezing, packaging and processing wild-caught Bluefin Tuna. A fish market and a tasting room are also planned. The Tuna Adria Fisherman's Association and our cooperative members will directly benefit from the project. In addition to the cooperative, coordinators and catering facilities will also benefit. The goal is to market wild Bluefin tuna and produce Bluefin Tuna products on the Croatian and wider markets.
With the aim of creating the touch of Dalmatian stone houses. Fitting the building into the Dalmatian area and embodying heritage and culture was one of the major priorities when designing, fitting into the landscape and culture that contributed to fishing and agriculture.
In an era where sustainability is paramount, fishing cooperatives have emerged as beacons of responsible practices in the seafood industry. Among these, those dedicated to processing wild-caught tuna stand out for their commitment to preserving ocean ecosystems while meeting global demand for this prized fish.
Tuna Adria, nestled in a coastal community, exemplifies this dedication to sustainability and quality. Comprising local fishermen, processors, and community members, this cooperative operates with a shared vision: to harvest tuna responsibly and maximize its value while minimizing environmental impact.
Upon catching tuna, the cooperative prioritizes efficiency and quality. Modern processing facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology enable swift and precise handling of the fish. From the moment the tuna is brought ashore, stringent quality control measures are in place to maintain freshness and preserve the delicate flavor for which wild-caught tuna is renowned..